Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Deemed Ink Cartridges Manufacturers †Free Samples For Students

Question: How to Explain Deemed Ink Cartridges Manufacturers? Answer: Introducation This is the process of manufacturing the printer ink cartridges, after assembling all raw materials the next step is to produce the output by putting the raw materials into production. Among the output include cartridges, ink, print head, ink casing etc. some of the printer ink cartridges are recycled. This has reduced the cost of production and also make it environmentally friendly. Output The main outputs of Deemed manufacturers are printer ink cartridges, ink, print heads, ink casing. These are the products are vital for the survival of the industry and without being produced the business is rendered non-functional. Success of a manufacturing industry is to produce quality products which can sell in the market. Deemed manufactures are focusing on gaining more markets within and outside the university and this is only made possible by the production of quality products thus meeting the consumers taste and preference. Storage After the production the output may not have a ready market and thus calls for storage of the products as they wait for distribution to various markets. Also what is stored are some of the raw materials required in production. These materials are most important in the production and without them the process of manufacturing cannot progress. Feedback This is the information brought back into the manufacturing sector from the market because of the market requirement. The demand in the market may be cartridges which can be recycled and this calls for more production of such cartridges. Closed Loop System Closed loop system of production aims at a sustainable supply chain which gathers for both economic and environmental goals of the organization thus being in a circular flow. Many negative impacts of production can be avoided if the organization adopt a closed system of production the production is in in a circular flow hence waste management, transport processes and energy consumption can be reduced thus reducing the cost of production. Manufacturing of cartridges uses most of the materials which are plastics and takes a long time to decompose and hence pollutes the environment. Continuous use of coal is harmful to the environment and this calls for good waste management procedures to avoid pollution. Closed loop system looks into production which is environmentally friendly or sustainability of both. This involve circular flow of these materials and the waste is managed properly. This loop system employ a lot from information technology to make it efficient and effective functional ity of this system. The only barrier is the capital required for installation of the new technology is high and only established organization can manage thus rendering young organization not to adopt the loop system of production. Deemed manufacturers aim at producing products which can sustain environment and at the same time economical that is why currently they are focusing on the production of recycled cartridges in which they are brought back by customers to pass again through the process of manufacturing instead of being thrown away as waste. Unsustainability Unsustainability is the likelihood that the future of the organization may not be able to hold because of current threats and weaknesses facing the organization. These threats and weaknesses may pose serious risks to business organization of which if no taken care of leads to total collapse of the business. Some of the threats that pose risks to sustainability of Deemed manufacturers is the coal reserves may be depleted as one of the raw materials of production. Coal being harmful to the environment in case of prolonged use and this pose a great threat towards sustainability of the business. Plastic casing which are used to store ink pose a threat in sustainability of the business i.e. it takes around 450 to 1000 years to be eliminated in the environment. Oil used in transportation of ink may spill over and pose a threat to the environment. Recommendations The business should venture into producing recyclable ink cartridges which can be put back to production process and obtain new cartridges. Continuous use of coal is harmful and thus should use an alternative method to supply power that is electricity. Plastic casing should be reused and not disposed-off after it has been used Should seek new markets from outside Deemed university in order to gain more markets To collate with other organization in order to purchase raw materials in bulk to cut off the cost of production Should open up printing business in order to capture the market which is readily available this enhance diversification of business and thus ensure sustainability. Should focus on closed loop system Use more of electricity as a source of power rather than coal Employ more distributors of the products rather than focusing on manufacturing alone Proper disposal of waste Employ a lot in information technology to brand their products. Allocate more funds on advertisement and promotional activities to gain more markets. Raw materials should be obtain from reliable suppliers who supply immediately after ordering. Barriers To Sustainability Barriers are factors which hinders the organization from becoming competitive and its future unpredictable due to threats posed by environmental factors and even human factors Techology Technology is becoming part of every organization and without efficient and effective technology then the organization will not be able to access information like new market existence, the change in demand of goods and the current change in prices. With current technology one is able to access the most recent innovation in any particular section of production and even the changes in supply chain and logistics. Political Instability Political instability affects organization in terms of conflicting communities and since laborers seek for safety and does not have the incentive to work thus affect production function. In the case of conflicting communities there will be political unrest and even those who purchase your products do not have good times to interact with producers in the market. In case of export the buyers will fear coming to purchase because of insecurity in that country involved. Apart from national politics also the students may be involved in politics and try to put out the business thus its future survival may not be predicted. Social Impacts These can either be positive or negative impacts which the organization has in relation to the social wellbeing. This may include corporate responsibility where the organization arranges rallies and may be hikes for workers and participate in developing the surrounding or participate in projects taking place outside the organization. Deemed manufacturers should be part and parcel of the entire university day to day activities in order to gain reputation of the business and grow largely in its awareness. 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